Accepted and Restricted Items Review our comprehensive list of accepted and prohibited items to ensure a smooth disposal process.
Housewares, personal items, clothing, plastics, paper, furniture, mattresses, box springs, chairs, couches, sofa beds
Variety of chemicals and pesticides in original, securely sealed containers
Electronics like TVs, computers, printers, appliances like microwaves, stoves, dishwashers, washers, dryers, AC Units, swamp coolers, freezers, refrigerators
Empty and full paint cans if securely sealed to prevent leaks
No batteries including car or lithium batteries
Deceased animals, medical waste, material contaminated with infectious substances
No food waste including leftovers, spoiled food, peels, coffee grounds, bones, kitchen scraps
No weapons, firearms, ammunition, materials that require special disposal procedures
Concrete, rock, sod, bricks not allowed due to potential damage and special dumping procedures